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I've been wanting to own my first ever LV...

I've been wanting to own my first ever LV for the longest time. Last year, someone offered to sell me her black Epi Noe, which was a thing of beauty, but the price she was selling it for didn't work to my advantage in any way. With shipping, her price was very close to store price, I would have been better off buying it brand new for a few dollars more. I debated inside my head whether it was time or not. I decided against it and got a Gucci Medium Joy Bag instead. This year, a friend came up to me and presented a wonderful opportunity to own my first ever LV a Tivoli GM in Monogram Canvas. I like the reseller, she's been purchasing some of my items for sale as well. The bag was only 3 months old when she offered to me, with a very good payment terms. When she showed me the bag via webcam over ym, I got sold. Two weeks later, I met her for the first time!

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It was a strange feeling knowing you got a long awaited "big ticket" purchase in your hand.I was excited and happy at the same time.

Here's me and my friend K, modelling our bags at Sarah in MOA. An hour after I first laid my hands on it. I love the adjustable straps. I can use it as a handbag as well as a shoulder bag. I also love that the bag's size is proportion to my biult, me being a not so tall plus sized woman. I can say, I'm in LVoe with my first LV!

Here's us later in the day, still at SM Mall of Asia. We are still giddy that I am now a proud owner of an LV bag.

I was so excited with the purchase, that I used the bag almost everyday during my two week vacation, unfortunately a day before I was to go back to Boston, there was an incident at San Miguel by the Bay where a waitstaff from Aling Tonya's Seafood Palutuan accidentally spilled soy and oil sauce from a plate of steamed fish. As much as I wanted to get mad, I tried to control my temper. Here it was after the incident with me trying to wipe off as much as I can. Oh and yeah, that's the culprit dish.

My friends and I before the fated incident.

I am still happy with my first ever LV, stain and all. While they soil probably depreciated the value overnight, it adds character and now I have a story to tell. While I now owned a couple more LV bags, this one will always be close to heart.

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Thank You - I swear the next time, it's me giving back the favour.

Posted in Home Improvement Post Date 04/23/2017






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