Finding Some Daily Inspiration
I've found a few things and activities that help me cope on a day to day basis and wanted to share them with you.
Pinterest. Yes, believe it or not but Pinterest helps kick start my day in the right direction. How? There are some really positive and encouraging quotes and sayings posted all over Pinterest. I like to go through and read a few every day. Pinterest also has some great images that are visually pleasing to the eye which can boost your mood.
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Reading. Maybe picking up a book seems a little outdated and old fashion to you, but there is something about taking a little time out to sit and read a good book. It really helps direct my day into a more productive twenty-four hours. It doesn't need to take hours. Even fifteen minutes of reading and you're set. Currently I am reading the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.
Music. Music effects you more than most of us realize. Take the next few days and try and be aware of your musical selections.
People. I know, the last thing you want to do is hang out with a large noisy crowd when you're feeling under the weather, but I found out how much it helps to get out of the house or your regular routine and let go. This one is probably the hardest for me. But you gotta have some fun and try something new. Surrounding yourself with positive, challenging, and encouraging people is vital.
Working out. Yep! Something we ALL can stand to do a little more of. This one also takes some dedication and will power to stick to, but it's not impossible. In fact, depression symptoms often improve with exercise and it also helps reduce anxiety and improves your mood. That's on top of getting fit!I say go for it.
Those are just a few things I try to do on really lousy days. If you're depressed or feeling down, you aren't alone. There are so many people out there suffering from depression, but they are too afraid to admit it. I'm really proud of you for admitting it. Together we can fight this unseen battle and find ourselves again.
Much love!
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Posted in Home Improvement Post Date 06/01/2017